Phase Flow
The game can be split into a Strategy Phase, an Advancement Phase, and a Reporting Phase.
In the Strategy phase, when it's the turn of your force (chance to issue orders), you issue commands to your cities and units. After all your Orders are used, or after you are finished issuing commands, time advances in the Advancement phase, allowing you to watch as the officers carry out their commands. After 10 days (1 period) pass, the situation is reported to you in the Reporting phase. The game advances as this repeats.
Strategy Phase
Domestic and foreign affairs are carried out with Force commands and Base commands. If you have deployed army units, then Unit commands allow you to change their orders.
Advancement Button
Advancement Phase
Officers will act in accordance with the orders they receive during the Strategy phase. Those orders cannot be changed during the Advancement phase.
Time passes
Reporting Phase
Receive a report regarding income and usage of gold and supplies, as well as the current situation.
Repeat the above flow.
Income of gold, supplies, and troops is received in the first period of each month. This income is based on occupied territory, development levels for agriculture, commerce, and barracks, the abilities of the overseers, and other factors. However, at the same time, you also have expenses based on the number of officers, attack status, and so on. The distribution of supplies occurs every turn.
Seasonal Events
In January, April, July, and October, seasonal events will occasionally occur. In those months, locusts and plague are more easily seen and can spread to neighboring areas when the next month arrives. Over time, they will disappear. They disappear quicker if an area's public order is high and if the area overseer has a high INT and/or POL. In addition, raising the public order or positioning an officer with the Fortune Teller trait there can help to curb these disasters.
Locusts | Supplies decrease and public order grows worse. |
Plague | Population decreases and public order worsens. Also, a base or unit's troops can be decreased, and the health of officers can take a turn for the worst. |
Abundant Harvest | A lucky event that occurs in fall (July to September). Areas with an abundant harvest will have increased supply income. |