

STORY Explore the main story of DEAD OR ALIVE 6.
DOA QUEST Complete tasks (missions) to clear character quests.
Rewards are awarded for successfully cleared missions.
FIGHT VERSUSFight against the computer or other players locally.
ARCADEFight against a random selection of opponents to try to achieve the highest score.
TIME ATTACKFight against a specific number of opponents within a specified time limit.
SURVIVALDefeat as many opponents as you can, as they appear one after another.
TRAINING FREE TRAININGFreely practice various actions with each character.
TUTORIALLearn and practice action systems of the game.
COMMAND TRAININGPractice button commands and actions with each character.
COMBO CHALLENGEPractice character-specific moves and combos.
ONLINE RANKED MATCHFight against other players of the same rank online.
DOA CENTRAL Use in-game currency to purchase various bonuses and cosmetic items.
WARDROBEUnlock and purchase new costumes, hairstyles, accessories, and titles. Customize your main fighter.
DATABASEView your fight records.
THEATERWatch replays and COM vs. COM battles.
MUSICUnlock and purchase new BGM. Change BGM settings for various modes.
LIBRARYPurchase and view DOA Encyclopedia and Trivia entries.
OPTIONS GAME SETTINGSAdjust various game settings.
CONTROLSAdjust controller settings.
SOUNDAdjust various volume and voice settings.