Capture an advantageous position to use strategic negotiation with other factions.


Appointing an officer with high “Politics” attribute increases the success rate.
“Goodwill,” by presenting a gift, leads to an alliance relationship with the target force.

Using “Diplomacy” can change relationships with other forces and help to devise new strategies.
“Goodwill”, the basis of Diplomacy, can improve the diplomatic relationship with a target force by gifting gold, supplies, and specialties. Forces whose diplomatic sentiment reach "Normal" or higher can form an "Alliance" and will not attack each other.
After the conclusion of the "Alliance", they can also cross each other's lands while maintaining supply lines with each other, and can make an "Attack Request" against another enemy base.
On the other hand, the “Alliance” can be “Annulled”, and the relationship between your force and opponent forces can change depending on the battle situation.
There are also diplomatic negotiations with non-Allied forces, such as "Prisoner Return" and "Submission Demand ".
Officers with a character of "Debater" have a higher diplomacy success rate, so they are better attributed to be deployed as diplomats.

Diplomacy list

Title Effect
Goodwill Improve diplomatic relations with target force by sending gold, supplies, and specialties.
Alliance Form an alliance with the target force for a maximum of 24 months (72 turns). Can be executed when diplomatic sentiment is “Normal” or higher.
Attack Request Call on allied forces to attack the bases of other forces. Can be executed when the ruler of the force's Royal Rank is "Grand General" or higher.
Annul Annul the alliance relationship with the target force.
Prisoner Return Prepare return cost to get back officers caught by the target force. Officers with the character "Prestigious" have higher return costs than others.
Submission Demand Advise the target force to surrender and integrate into your force. Executable when diplomatic sentiment is "Hostile" or higher. Can be executed when the force's ruler's Royal Rank is "Grand General" or higher.


With "Placation", you can make an area a self-controlled territory.
With “Dual Destruction”, you can reduce diplomatic sentiments between two other countries.
"Hidden Poison" worsens the security of a target area. If successful, bandits and outlanders may emerge.

By using "Plots", it is possible to create changes in surrounding forces and areas, creating a situation that is advantageous to your forces.
Encourage and weaken opponent forces' Viceroys and Governors, or persuade the people of a particular area to take control of that area. You can gain great results if successful, but there is also a risk of worsening diplomatic sentiments if you fail.
It is important to determine the relationship with the target force and the abilities of the executing officers, and to deploy the officers strategically.
As the success rate of strategy increases, officers with the character "Planner" are better attributed to be deployed as diplomats.

Plots list

Plots Effect
Hidden Poison By sending agents into the area controlled by a target force, it is possible to reduce the development and security of the area. In addition, bandits and outlanders may appear. Even if the effort fails, security of the area is still reduced.
Estrange Inject negative rumors of the ruler into target officers. If successful it can reduce their loyalty
Placation Persuade the people in blank and target force controlled areas, to take the control right of that area’s Core.
Unattended Home Instigate the Viceroys and Governors of other forces to promote independence. If successful the officer becomes an independent force.
Dual Destruction Disseminate notoriety of an objective force to a target force. If successful the diplomatic sentiments of the target force and the objective force will worsen.