Start Menu

Press any button on the title screen to display the Start Menu.
Resume a game from saved data.
Start New
Start a new game.

Start a tutorial scenario that teaches you the basics of the game. Contains the episodes [Raising Your Country's Strength], [Marching and Suppressing], [Battle Basics], and [City Suppression], as well as two episodes new to the Expansion Pack: [A Tactical Battle] and [Spreading Geographic Advantage]. Recommended for new players.
War Chronicles

Enjoy special scenarios using designated officers on special maps.
A score will be assigned based on each play you make. Perfect for testing out your skills.
Select Force | Select up to 3 forces to play through the scenario. |
Victory ⁄ Defeat Conditions | The conditions that determine whether your force is victorious or defeated. |
Term and Turns Remaining | Turns to clear and number of turns still remaining. |
Score | Your current score will be displayed. You will be scored based on three categories: Basic, the number of turns left until victory; Bonus, the number of conditions fulfilled; and Events, the number of events you have accomplished. |

Register Original Officers

You can create up to 150 Original Officers.
Choose whether original officers will appear when you begin a new game. If their appearances are enabled, you can also select which force they belong to, if they are a free officer, or if they are the Ruler of a new force from Officer Settings.
You can also exchange data with other players via [Export/Load Orig. Officer]. Officers may also be loaded from RTK13.
Note: RTK13 Original Officers data can only be loaded in the Steam version. Original Officer data is typically stored on the C drive, in a user folder: Documents\KoeiTecmo\SAN14\PERSONDATA.
Edit Specialties
Edit the abilities, effects, and prices of the historical items that appear in the game.
Edit Events
Create and edit new events to appear in the game.
Edit Historical Officers
Edit the abilities, traits, tactics, policies, and more of the historical officers that appear in the game.
Edit BGM
Edit the music that plays in the game. You can choose from music in RTK12 and RTK13, as well as RTK14.

Adjust graphics and volume settings, basic controls (PS4 and Nintendo Switch versions), key configuration (Steam version), and more.
Note: You can change Scenario Settings such as Difficulty when beginning a new game.
Listen to BGM or view officers and specialties.
Downloadable Content
Opens the menu for purchasing downloadable content. For the PS4 version, you will be transitioned to the PlayStation™Store. For the Nintendo Switch version, you will be transitioned to the Nintendo eShop.
Note: Not displayed on the Steam version.
End Game
End the game.
Note: Only displayed on the Steam version.