In Town, you can obtain and freeze monsters.
You can only have one active monster at a time. To obtain a new monster, you will have to either freeze or sell your current monster.
Here you can obtain certain monsters or sell your current monster.
Obtaining a Monster
Select one monster out of the three options presented to you.
You can choose from ①Zuum, ②Mocchi, and ③Suezo/Arrow Head/Hare/Gaboo (depending on the season).
Once you obtain a new monster, you will need to name it. Note that names cannot be changed later.
You can obtain new monsters as many times as you want.



Suezo (March-May)

Arrow Head (June-August)

Hare (September-November)

Gaboo (December-February)
Selling Monsters
You can sell a monster that you have raised.
The amount of money you will receive will depend on the monster's training level.
A monster that wasn't trained well may be given a price of 0 gold.
Here you can generate monsters by using our CD database. You can also carry over a monster you raised in the “Monster Rancher" ("Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX" ver. only).
Disc Stones
Search our original database for CD titles and discover what monsters they will generate.There is a wide variety of monsters that can be obtained with various CDs.

You can carry over a monster that you raised in the "Monster Rancher" ("Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX" ver. only). Slating will only work if you have saved data from "Monster Rancher 1".
Here you can combine or revive frozen monsters.
You won't be able to combine or revive monsters if you currently have a monster with you.
In the RESULT window, you will see the probability of creating each of the listed monsters.

Store your monster at the lab by freezing it.
You can have up to 20 frozen monsters at a time.
Note that combining, reviving, deleting, as well as choosing monsters for download matches can only be performed using frozen monsters.
Revive a frozen monster.
Delete a frozen monster.
Once a monster is deleted, it can no longer be revived. Be sure to consider carefully before deleting.
View info on the status changes for your current monster.
There are a variety of status changes. Some affect all monsters, regardless of type, while others only occur with specific monster types. It would probably be smart to check this info on a regular basis.
Hall of Fame
View the records of monsters with outstanding achievements.
Only available when you have a monster that has entered the Hall of Fame.
Pick up a job for your monster.
Accepted jobs are carried out by selecting "Job" on the title screen. After completing a Job, select Job Report in Town to receive your reward.
You may even receive rare items depending on how well you do.
The "Job" option on the title screen will only appear after you accept a job in the town. You can accept only one job at a time, and if you accept another job it will overwrite the previous one.
Job flow
Accept a job.
Begin the job by selecting "Job" on the right side of the title screen.
Job Controls (Nintendo Switch™) Job Controls (Steam®) Job Controls (Smartphone/Tablet)
Reporting jobs
Report the results of the job and receive the appropriate payment.
You can receive payment once for each job. If you want to earn more, you need to accept a new job.
Save or load your data.
There are 2 types of saved data: manually saved data and autosave data. Autosaves occur at the beginning of each week and other select times.
Note: Files can also be accessed through the Ranch screen menu.