Controls (Nintendo Switch™)

Basic Controls
Change page (For data screens, etc.)
Open the menu; turn the sound ON/OFF; view this manual, etc.
For Sound, you can choose between the original version or the re-mastered version.
Move the cursor
Open the Help menu; get advice regarding the currently selected command.
Display battle controls hints during battle.
View monster data; review data regarding your current monster on the Ranch, etc.
Toggle View mode
Skip the opening
Battle Controls
Move the monster
(up and down)
Toggle techniques
(left and right)
Move the technique cursor
Give up on the battle and forfeit (counts as a loss).
Push the opponent away to gain distance.
Use a technique
View Mode Controls
In the View mode, you can view 3D models of the monsters.
Make the monster perform an action.
Zoom in
Zoom out
Rotate the 3D model
Job Controls
Jobs can be accepted in town. After receiving a Job, you can activate it from the title screen.

Press when the numbers add up to 10.
(left and right)
If the numbers don't add up to 10, select the direction of the larger number.
Press if the numbers don't add up to 10, but the numbers on the left and right are the same.