Basic Controls: Xbox One®

Xbox One® コントローラー
- Switch Player Character
RT Call Horse
RB Shift / Block / Reset Camera / Flip
左スティック Move
左スティックボタン Switch Maps
+ Display Info Screen
方向ボタン上 Change Commands
方向ボタン左右 Select Item (Musou Mode) / Select Unit (Citadel Mode)
方向ボタン下 Use Item (Musou Mode) / Summon Unit (Citadel Mode)
RT Rage
RB (+Xボタン/Yボタン/Bボタン/Aボタン)Ultimate Skill
Rスティック Camera Movement
Rスティックボタン Lock-on
Yボタン Power Attack / Hyper Attack / (while mounted) Jump
Bボタン Musou Attack / (while in Rage mode) Musou Frenzy Attack / (while mounted) Mounted Musou Attack
(when near another player character that has filled their Musou Gauge) Musou Finisher
Xボタン Normal Attack
Aボタン Jump / (when near mount) Mount / (when taking damage and recoiling from an attack) Elude