Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX
Key Configuration Settings for Steam

In the Steam version, you can adjust the display and keyboard controls settings.
From the game selection screen, select "Options" > "Keyboard/Resolution Settings".

Screen Settings

Full Screen

Select whether to use the full screen mode.


Select the screen resolution.

Keyboard Settings

Change the key assignments for the keyboard.
Selecting Reset to return the keyboard settings to the default.

Initial Keys Gamepad Buttons Main Controls
 [J] 【X】 View monster data
 [K] 【A】 Cancel
(battle) Use a technique
 [L] 【B】 Confirm
(battle) Push
 [I] 【Y】 Open Help
(battle) View battle controls
 [N] 【ビュー】 Open menu
 [Enter] 【メニュー】 (battle) Forfeit
 [E] 【RB】 Change the page
(battle) Move the monster
 [Q] 【LB】 Change the page
(View mode) Zoom in
(battle) Move the monster
 [U] 【LT】 (View mode) Zoom out
 [↑] 【方向キー上】 (battle) Toggle techniques
 [←] 【方向キー左】 Move the cursor
 [↓] 【方向キー下】 (battle) Toggle techniques
 [→] 【方向キー右】 Move the cursor