Battle Screen

Life Gauge
The monster's remaining health. The monster whose gauge is reduced to 0 first will lose.
Remaining Time
The match will end when the time runs out. If both monsters have health remaining, the one with the higher percentage will win.

Shows the available techniques.
Distance Marker
This displays the positioning and distance between the monsters. The technique cursor will move based on this distance.
Hit Rate/Probability
The probability of successfully using the technique. Higher Will will increase the success probability.
Proximity mark
This will appear when the opponent is close enough for your monster to use the push attack to force the opponent back and gain some distance.
Technique Panel
The flashing icons indicate the techniques that can currently be used. The available techniques will change depending on the distance between the monsters.
If there is a ▽ shown, you can manually switch to another technique.
After using a technique, the required number of Will is subtracted.
Will Gauge
The amount of the monster's Will. Each match starts with 50 Will and it can be built up during the battle.
Will is used to perform techniques and decreases when hit by the opponent. Will affects the success rate of the monster's attacks.