Obtaining a Monster
In Town, you can obtain and freeze monsters.
You can only have one active monster at a time. To obtain a new monster, you will have to either freeze or sell your current monster.
Select one monster out of the three options presented to you.
You can choose either Dino, Tiger, or Suezo.
Once you obtain a new monster, you will need to name it. Note that names cannot be changed later.
You can obtain new monsters as many times as you want.




Here you can combine or revive frozen monsters.
You won't be able to combine or revive monsters if you currently have a monster with you.
In the RESULT window, you will see the probability of creating each of the listed monsters.

Store your monster at the lab by freezing it.
You can have up to 20 frozen monsters at a time.
Note that combining, reviving, deleting, as well as choosing monsters for download matches can only be performed using frozen monsters.
Revive a frozen monster.
Delete a frozen monster.
Once a monster is deleted, it can no longer be revived. Be sure to consider carefully before deleting.