Castle Siege
Storming Castles
Secret Plans
During battle, allies and enemies alike can carry out maneuvers known as a secret plans. Ensure that allies' secret plans succeed and prevent secret plans of the enemy to get the upper hand in battle, or gain additional rewards upon reaching victory.
Secret Plan
Secret plans are special plans that can have a huge impact on the outcome of a battle. Go to Info, then Officer Info and then Secret Plans to select up to 4 plans to use. Secret plans can be saved as a set. Pick the plans carefully to gain an advantage in battle.
Capturing Bases
Enter an enemy base to see that base's information at the top of the screen. The value shown is that base's Endurance. Defeat enemies to reduce the base's Endurance to 0, at which point you will take control of the base. However, if there are Defense Officers in the base you will need to dispatch them.
Captured bases periodically produce soldiers who go on to attack enemy bases and weapons. Be sure to capture enemy bases to gain the upper hand on the battlefield.
Invasion Battle
Invasion Battles have you destroy the castle gates and defeat the enemy commanders. Castle gates can only be destroyed with a siege weapon: a ram, siege tower, or catapult. Siege weapons appear at weapon bases you have captured.
When you capture a ram base in an invasion battle, a ram will appear. The ram will move towards the castle gates to batter them, drastically reducing their Endurance.
The gates will be destroyed when their Endurance reaches 0.
Siege Tower
When you capture a siege tower base in an invasion battle, a siege tower will appear. Move the siege tower to the castle walls to scale them and infiltrate the castle, then destroy the lock on the castle gates to open them from the inside. Fend off enemies who attempt to stop you, so that the siege tower can reach the castle walls.
Lookout Base
Capturing all enemy lookout bases on ramparts in Storming the Castle battles lets you use grappling hooks to invade the castle. Lookout bases can be attacked by archers or hit with rocks launched from catapults. Capture catapult bases with high attack power, then attack lookout bases with the catapults.
When you capture a catapult base in an invasion battle, you will be able use a catapult. It will attack lookout bases on the castle walls, allowing you to take control of them.
Decisive Battle
Destroy castle gates during an invasion battle to trigger a decisive battle, then defeat the enemy commander to achieve victory.
Defensive Battle
The objective of defensive battles is to defend an ally commander and their army from approaching enemy forces.
To achieve victory, either successfully protect the ally commander and their army for the set amount of time, or start a decisive battle and defeat the enemy commander.
Siege Tower
In a defensive battle, siege towers at castle walls will allow the enemy to infiltrate your castle and destroy the castle gates. Destroy the siege towers before the Endurance of the castle gates reaches 0 to prevent them from being forced open.
Lookout Base
In a defensive battle, if all lookout bases fall, the enemy will be able to attack the castle gates from within the castle. Recapture the lookout bases before the Endurance of the castle gates reaches 0 to prevent them from being forced open.
Capturing the catapult base will make it easier, as it will prevent siege weapons from appearing.
Decisive Battle
Reducing the enemy army strength to 0 or capturing all of the weapon bases in a defensive battle starts a decisive battle. Be sure to control weapon bases to weaken the enemy's onslaught and trigger decisive battles.