Flow of the Game


Progress through the story by chatting with other characters at the school and searching the Heartscapes.
Running into an enemy while in a Heartscape will begin combat. You'll need to gain experience fighting enemies, craft things at the school, and chat with your allies in order to defeat powerful enemies.
Spread your time between the school and Heartscapes to proceed through the story.

  • Get Items through Crafting
  • Build Facilities with School Development
  • Get Fragments through Dates
  • Gain Talent Points with Requests
  • Find Items while exploring

  • Level up in battle

Viewing Summaries

Check the Summary when you need a hint for what to do next.

Command: Summary
PS4™ Nintendo Switch™ Steam®
Keyboard Gamepad
タッチパッドボタン -ボタン F SELECTボタン
Turning Hints On/Off

While viewing Summaries or Requests, you can turn on and off Hints that will be displayed at the school or in Heartscapes.

Command: Hints On/Off
PS4™ Nintendo Switch™ Steam®
Keyboard Gamepad
□ボタン Yボタン F Xボタン