FEATURE 01 Enter the battlefield FEATURE 02 Path to a
one-person army
FEATURE 03 Experience
the Three Kingdoms


Walk your own path and
become a true warrior
The protagonist has lost his memories, but his body still remembers how to fight.
To survive in the war-torn times, further growth is essential.
Only through countless battles and encounters will the path forward be revealed.
Enter the battlefield
Overwhelm your enemies with peerless offense and defense
Basic Actions

Mastering both the swift normal attacks and the powerful strong attacks which can break enemy blocks is fundamental to combat.


Repeated attacks will increase "Bravery", which can unleash "Arts".
Each weapon type offers a variety of arts, which are powerful and unique attacks.
Assess the situation - whether you're facing a deadly enemy or surrounded by many soldiers - and deploy the most effective arts accordingly.


It will be difficult to survive on the battlefields if you focus solely on offense.
Sometimes, it's crucial to strengthen your defense.
If you guard right at the moment of an enemy's attack, you can trigger a powerful counter called "Parry", leaving the enemy vulnerable.


Try to avoid attacks that can't be blocked with a guard.
Look for weak points in the enemy's defenses and seize the moment to counterattack.

The Reduction of Fortitude

Enemy officers are surrounded by protective energy known as "Fortitude".
Reducing their fortitude will significantly weaken them and create opportunities for attack.
You can decrease their fortitude by attacking their weak points or using arts.


Once you’ve reduced an enemy's fortitude and weakened them, you can activate an "Assault".
This will cause massive damage and can sometimes be a decisive finishing strike.

Musou Attacks

Attacking enemies will fill the "Musou Gauge".
When the gauge reaches a certain level, you can unleash a powerful strike known as "Musou Attacks".

Large-scale tactical battles that change the course of a battlefield

By using "Tactics", you can command surrounding allies to perform various actions, such as a advance or cavalry charge.
Some tactics can trigger "Dramatic Success" when used in appropriate situations. Mastering these tactics can lead to even greater outcomes.

Large Force

When a massive number of soldiers gather, a "Large Force" will be formed.
The troops in a large force will have high morale and coordinate their attacks, making them a serious threat.
You can severely weaken enemy troops by decreasing their "Fighting Strength" and breaking the large force.

Grand Tactic

No matter if enemy or ally, large forces can deploy "Grand Tactics".
When activated, these tactics can dramatically shift the battle with intense group assaults.
It’s crucial to successfully execute your side’s grand tactics while preventing the enemy’s grand tactics from taking effect.

Battle Area

"Battle Area" is where forces clash. Battle areas where your force has the advantage are shown in blue, while those where you're at a disadvantage are shown in red.
If a battle area is red, your force may retreat unless you either provide reinforcements or boost your allies' morale.


Battles between forces are heavily influenced by "Morale". The higher your army's morale, the more advantageous your force will be in battle.
Morale increases after you defeat enemy officers or capture bases. Boost your morale and lead your army to victory!


On the battlefield, "Duels" with enemy officers may occur.
Winning a duel will significantly boost your allies' morale, while losing it will cause heavy damage and lower allies' morale.
The power of an individual can sometimes greatly influence the tide of battle.

Eyes of the Sacred Bird

The "Eyes of the Sacred Bird" grants the protagonist the power to see the unseen.
It will reveal sources of sorcery and other battlefield information, helping the protagonist to gain an advantage during combat.

Path to a one-person army
Master a variety of weapons and reach new heights

The protagonist can wield a variety of weapons, from standard ones like sword and spear to more specialized ones such as twin pikesgauntlets and crescent blade.
Mastering the weapons helps the protagonist reach a new "Rank" and increase his abilities.
Effectively using different weapons is key to the protagonist's growth.

"Companions" who join the protagonist on battlefields

Depending on the battlefield, you can choose "Companions" to fight alongside you. By switching to these companions, you can directly control them and unleash their peerless power.
Since the time you can switch is limited, it will be crucial to choose the right moment.

the Three Kingdoms
Explore the "World Map" on your own feet
MAP 01
World Map

The "World Map" vividly represents the grand world of the Three Kingdoms. The protagonist will traverse the continent on his own feet and experience the story.
There will be not only large-scale historical battles, but also "Missions" to suppress rebellions or rescue government forces and "Skirmish" against remnants of defeated armies or bandits.

MAP 02
Acquiring Weapons

When visiting towns on the World Map, you can purchase weapons. These weapons come with various "traits" and you might find some rare and valuable ones.
Additionally, weapons can also be acquired during battles.

MAP 03
Communication with officers

Throughout the journey, the protagonist will meet many officers.
By interacting with them in towns or solving their requests and challenges, he can deepen their "Bonds". As these "Bonds" strengthen, the protagonist will become closer to the officers.

Choose your path

The protagonist will eventually face a pivotal choice.
He must discern heroes who can bring order to the chaos and determine who he will walk with.
In the end, he may even have to cross blades with those who once fought by his side.
With the heroes he choose, the protagonist must be prepared to follow the path they believe in, no matter the cost.