Empires, a unique "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" experience
Dramatic stories of officers on
different sides.

Play as 94 Musou officers
All 94 officers who have appeared in
DYNASTY WARRIORS 9 will be playable.
In addition, players can control
all 700 common officers.

Storm the castle.
Command the stage!
A major change from previous series titles,
areas around castles become battlefields,
evolving into “Storming the Castle” instances.
Employ strategic Secret Plans and balance Army
Affinity to break through the enemy's gate.
Defeat the enemy commander in Decisive
Battle mode to claim victory of the castle.

Head into war or form alliances
through the Politics System.
The Empires series' signature domestic system is back.
With a high degree of flexibility, set long and mid term
kingdom goals, recruit new officers, procure logistics,
and execute a variety of military, economic and diplomatic commands to strive to unify China.